A Different Kind of Wedding

'DSC_0121 - Version 3' photo (c) 2011, Reeknees - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/

Think with me for a moment about the weddings you have attended. What is it that makes them different from one another? Does one stand out as being truly unique? I can think of just a handful in my experience that really stand apart. It’s not the dress, the music, the food or the venue that make these particular weddings so different. Much of the time, when it’s all said and done, those things just tend to blend together. Instead, the weddings I cannot forget are those that have a distinct gospel focus.

I recently had the pleasure of attending a wedding in which the gospel was front and center—on display for all in attendance to see and at which to marvel. The bride was radiant, the groom beamed, but the true focus was on Christ and His sacrificial love for His bride, the church.

If you have witnessed a wedding like this, you know what I mean. The humility of these two people was evident as they marveled not at their own greatness, but at the greatness and goodness of a loving God.

As my mom and I work on writing A Christ-Centered Wedding we love hearing stories of Gospel-rich weddings. We would love to know what you have seen or done in weddings to focus on Christ and proclaim the Good News to others.

Thanks for reading!