New Series for the Fall

This past week I traveled to Branson, MO with my mom, my grandmother and my two children. I had planned to sneak away for a bit and write, but realized an hour outside of Nashville I left my computer sitting inside the door of my home. So I had an unexpected vacation from blogging. Truthfully there wouldn't have been much time to write anyway, and my kids probably enjoyed some extra time with their mom. My oldest starts Kindergarten next week (let's not talk about it...I'm about to drown my sorrows in a pint of Blue Bell Banana Pudding ice cream) and things around here will soon get into some semblance of routine. Once that happens, I'm excited to explore some new blog topics:

- Mother-in-Law/Daughter-in-Law relationships

- Wedding vows

- Thank You note tips and etiquette

And of course the random non-wedding-related posts thrown in there as well.

I'm also going to be doing a series on pre-marital counseling, using some ideas and thoughts from readers (thanks!). I actually wrote some introductory thoughts on this subject, posted this past week on the Revive Our Hearts blog.

Read What Premarital Counseling Didn't Teach Me here. And, just as an aside, this is not meant to belittle premarital counseling. Most of my counseling was actually in the form of books I read. I know many counselors who do a great job preparing couples for marriage. The point of the post is that no amount of counseling can prepare us for the unknown--only understanding Christ's supreme value can.

Thanks for reading!