Catherine Parks

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Book Update

Today I thought I would share a quick update on life around here, and how things are going with the book. People ask frequently, and so many have joined us in praying and contributing content for the book and blog, so it's somewhat of a group effort. Here's what's new:

Last week our two recorded interviews with Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine of Family Life Today aired. You can listen to them here and here. Normally I am really self-conscious about listening to myself speak, but these were such fun interviews that I actually enjoyed hearing them. Plus it was a fun experience to share with my mom.

The truth about writing a book is that it's pretty anti-climactic. There are initial articles to write and interviews to give, but really things die down quickly and life gets back to normal. Or at least this has been the case for me. I'm sure it's not everyone's experience. But authors don't know book sales numbers, we're not overnight millionaires (actually it's not a lucrative career option unless you're planning to sell millions of copies of multiple books...I mean, I guess we all plan for that to happen, but come on), writing is sometimes agonizing, and there were many times in the process of writing the book that Mom and I asked, "Why are we doing this?"

But we did it because the love of Christ compelled us. We did it because marriage is important, and weddings are an important beginning to a meaningful marriage. And today more than ever we believe this is a vital message. 

So I just wanted to take a minute and invite you to help us get this message out there. So many of you have already done this, and we are incredibly thankful. I am trying to keep up with multiple social media accounts (although I am not always great at it), so there are multiple ways to spread the news about the book. If you have an engaged friend, would you consider telling him or her about the book and blog? Or maybe talk to your pastors about using the book in their pre-marital counseling? I heard from a pastor last week who said their church had decided to make it required reading for couples in their congregation who are getting married. That was super encouraging, because it's not about me, or my mom. It's about the power of the gospel from Day One of a marriage. It's about worshiping the Creator of marriage, and the true Bridegroom.

Here are some other ways to spread the word or keep up with what's going on:

If you've read the book, would you consider writing a review on Amazon or Goodreads?

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Thank you so much, friends!!