Book Excerpt: Worship in Wedding Planning

This week The Gospel Coalition posted an excerpt of A Christ-Centered Wedding on their page, and I'm thankful they chose the one they did as it's one of my favorite parts of the book. As I was writing the first chapters I learned a lot about faithfulness in the more mundane tasks of life. Sometimes we assign too much value to small things, but more frequently I think we overlook the inherent value in the tasks God has lovingly laid before us. Wedding planning is rife with opportunities to be overwhelmed by the seemingly pointless, but really most of our days are filled with these things.

So even if you're not currently planning a wedding, I want to encourage you to rejoice in your new identity in Christ, and to faithfully fulfill the tasks for which He has equipped you today.

Here's a short segment, but you can find the whole excerpt by clicking HERE

There will be times when you will have the urge to give up or might wonder if it’s really worth all this work. The good news is this—as you plan your wedding and live out this great metaphor for the Christian walk, know that you have all you need in Christ. And truly, all you need is Christ. When we find our identity in him—in being his beloved bride—we can face any task knowing we are equipped.