Catherine Parks

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Book Help: Bridal Showers

'Bridal Shower Favor' photo (c) 2010, Travis Modisette - license:

We just returned from a week-long trip to visit family in Kansas and Arkansas, which included some much-needed play time with my precious niece, Liya. Our trip also granted us the joy, thanks to my brother, of acquiring Nerf guns. So far only one person has been shot in the face at point-blank range, but I am fairly certain he was the first of many.

While away I had a little time to work on a chapter dealing with showers, registries, parties and other gift-related subjects. In the past the blog has been a great source of feedback and help in thinking through certain topics, so I'm going to put a couple more questions out there in the hopes that you, my wonderful friends, might help me.

So here they are:

1. What is the most unique wedding shower you have been to?

2. What is the most encouraging or uplifting thing you have seen at a shower? 

If you have a couple of minutes to answer I would be so grateful. And, your answer just might end up in the book! You can leave a comment below or email me at: catherinestrodeparks(at)gmail(dot)com (spelled out to avoid spam).

As always I love to hear/read your thoughts, so let me know if you have any other ideas. This is such a community effort and I love getting feedback and wisdom from others who have thought through these subjects.